2023 Lunar New Year Celebration in Bridgewater, NJ

The Bridgewater Township together with the Bridgewater Chinese American Association organized a celebration event at the Bridgewater Senior Center on Feburary 5 at 3 pm, to share the festival spirit and cultural activities of the traditional holiday, which is celebrated by the Chinese as well as many other Asian ethnic groups as part of the new year celebration activities.

Zhang Guifang’s Tai Chi Club
King’s Academy of Dance Art

Over 300 residents from broader Bridgewater community attended the event. Congressman Tom Kean, local elected officials, State Senator Doug Steinhardt, Assemblyman Erik Peterson attended the event, and they addressed the broader community. As co-host of the event, the Bridgewater township leadership, Bridgewater Mayor Mathew Moench, Council president Michael Kirsh and Council vice president Tim Ring were at the event and they delivered new year address to the community. On behalf of the Bridgewater Chinese community, BCAA president Henry Wang welcomed everyone and introduced the meaning of the holiday. “On this day, families will get together, to celebrate the new year, and celebrate unity, as the full moon symbolize. Here in Bridgewater, the Chinese community are very happy to call Bridgewater home, and contribute in our best effort to the broader community and society. Today we come together, with the greater Bridgewater community, celebrate unity and solidarity. ” Wang said, “we look forward to a bright future together.”

The event featured cultural performances and exhibit. Traditional lion dance, folk songs and folk dance were performed by children and members of the community, hoeing their skills with King’s Academy of Dance Art, Huaxia Chinese School and Zhang Guifang Taichi Club. The exhibit showcased brush pen calligraphy and seal carving, which has been practiced for 2000 years.

2022 BCAA Appreciation Day

The Bridgewater Chinese-American Association held their Appreciation Day at Duke Island Park last Sunday on the 25th. The organization thanked the community for their donations and volunteer efforts during the pandemic and welcomed Mayor Mensch and his family at the barbecue as well. Despite the rain, it was an amazing day filled with food, games, and community spirit. Special thanks to the MCs, volunteers, and the mayor and his family (who totally rocked at the trivia). BCAA looks forward to another wonderful year serving the community!


新闻报道: 新泽西桥水市官方庆祝农历新年活动
2022年2月12日,阳光明媚的周六下午一点,桥水市长Matthew Moench 在欢快的迎春中国传统音乐声中和舞龙舞狮的背景下,宣布虎年新年庆祝活动开幕。他诙谐的提到“桥水市是最适宜居住的城市,如果你还没有搬来,请尽快成为桥水居民啊”。桥水被Money 杂志在2020年度50全美佳适居城市中被评为31名(另一个新州入选城市是St. Laurel no.16),在这个拥有5万5千居民的交通便利(距曼哈顿40英里)的城市中居住着约三千华裔居民。
来自台湾的早期移民、桥水华联理事长李静娟策划设计了这台以“龙腾虎跃庆新年”的演出活动,不但让在现场的近350名当地非华裔居民和华裔居民和通过Facebook 直播观看的居民们欣赏到精彩的舞狮,舞龙(由梅山中文学校友情支持),还近距离观赏一流的少林武功-刀、枪、拳术等,另外抖空竹(扯铃)节目也让观众大饱眼福。活动中由父母们带来的众多身着节日盛装的小朋友们兴奋地与威武的狮子合影留念,主办方还向参会来宾发放了红包、喜庆糖果,艺术家手书的春联。
新泽西州参议员Erik Peterson, 桥水的市议员Michael Kirsh和Timothy Ring,  ridge water/Raritan 学区的BOE President Steve Singer, 华夏桥水学校的董事长Eugene Liu, 校长李燕君,副校长吴愉,梅山中文学校校长Tony Fu出席了整个活动。闻讯赶来的Somerset County的官员们,郡主管 Steve Peter, 郡议员Meloni Marano, 郡警长Darrin Russo, 郡副警长 Tim Pin, 郡警署负责反种族仇恨的主管警官Karissa Hahn 等都出席活动并向BCAA表示祝贺和支持。



Keep Our Community Clean and Beautiful

The date was October 17th, 2020. It was a Saturday, and most people were probably at home lazing about, while others were out playing elsewhere. But if someone took a moment to go down to the Bridgewater township municipal complex, they might have noticed an odd group of people. Those people were all wearing masks, gloves, and each held a trash bag or a stick to pick trash up with. They were out and about cleaning up the trash scattering around. It is thanks to any volunteers like these that everyone can enjoy a clean and beautiful community.

The community cleaning event described above was organized by the Bridgewater Chinese American Association (BCAA), whose mission is to unify the Chinese Americans and get involved in and contribute to local communities. During the events, all the volunteers practiced social distancing and took precautions (e.g. wearing masks and gloves) to ensure safety. BCAA thanks all volunteers, including 8 children: Zachary Hsieh, Jake Luo, Issac Tian, Andrew Wang, Ethan Wang, Victoria Wang, Andrew Zhang, and Bryan Zou, and 10 parents: Judy Cheng, Jean Lee, Erin Hsieh, Tao Luo, Carol Shi, Michael Tan, Henry Wang, Tianjiao Wang, Chris Zhang, and Ling Zheng. BCAA thanks Jean Li for making home-made candies and Carol Shi for bringing cookies as gifts for kids participating in this event. BCAA would also like to thank the Township Human Services for the support and for providing cleaning tools.